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  • Are kids welcome?
    All of our wedding week events will be adults-only. We appreciate the effort required to make arrangements for childcare so that you may attend.
  • What should I wear to the wedding? Is there a dress code?
    The dress code for the wedding is black tie optional. For women this means a floor length formal gown and either a suit and tie or tuxedo for men. The unofficial dress code is MORE IS MORE! If you look in the mirror and think "I can't wear this, this dress is too much".. then you are exactly on target! Please see below for inspiration. Chateau Chic!
  • Can I change for the after party?
    Absolutely! Please feel free to change into an epic party outfit OR your Chateau Pajamas! Whatever you'd like that will keep you partying and dancing all night long! We will provide places to store your belongings if you are staying offsite.
  • I am not in the wedding party, but I'd like to get my hair and makeup done. Is there someone local?
    The Chateau is approximately 30-40 minutes from town. There is a wonderful hair and makeup artist in the area we can book for guests wishing to have these services. Please email us to let us know if you'd like this option. In general plan to spend between $100-125 per service.
  • Can we take photos and videos throughout the event?
    Absolutely!!! Our church ceremony will be "unplugged" meaning we will ask that you do not use your cell phone to take photos or videos. We have hired an amazinggggg team of photographers and videographers and would love to see everyone's faces in the photos and not their phones! After the ceremony is over please feel free to photograph and video til your hearts content.. and dont forget to share them with us!
  • I missed the RSVP, what should I do?
    If we do not get an RSVP back by the date provided you will be marked as a "no". We will be assigning rooms on the RSVP date, so should you miss that and still wish to attend you may need to find your own accommodations. Please reach out to us if this happens.
  • Do I need to attend all the events?
    We look forward to hosting you and have put a great deal of time and effort into curating a wonderful schedule for the week. That being said, this is your vacation and you should feel free to do what you'd like! Please RSVP for the events you'd like to attend and we will celebrate hosting you for as few or as many as you decide. Please note we will be covering all food and beverage for the week and many meals will be hosted at the events. Should you wish not to attend you will be in charge of your own food for those meals. The Chateau's do not offer order on demand menus. Food will be provided only at set events and meal times.
  • Which Chateau am I in?
    We will be assigning rooms and Chateau's once we receive all of the RSVP's. Both Chateaus (as pictured below) are FABULOUS, belong to the same family, and are a 5 mins apart
  • How do I book my room?
    We will assign everyone a room after the RSVP date. There is no way to book your room directly with the Chateau(s). All rooms are set up for double occupancy, however, some rooms can accommodate 3-4 guests if desired. Many rooms can also be converted to two twin beds. If you'd like two separate beds or a room with more than two guests please let us know. We will send you information on the Chateaus and room selection after RSVP is completed. For those who are not staying in the Chateau's and prefer the privacy of a hotel, we suggest the following hotels: Beaune (35 min easy drive): Hostellerie Cedre & Spa or La L'Hôtel de Beaune Dijon (50-60 min easy drive): Grand Hôtel La Cloche Dijon (wonderful hotel right in the heart of Dijon. Guests staying offsite will be in charge of booking their travel to and from the Chateau as well as meals during non hosted events.
  • What should I budget for meals?
    There will be no additional cost for food or beverage during your stay. All food and beverage is being hosted by the parents of the couple. Should you wish to attend the Wine Tour there will be additional costs associated for the tours and tastings, however we will provide breakfast, lunch and dinner that day. As we are hosting all meals it is important we have an appropriate headcount. Please make sure you RSVP for all events you will attend. Breakfast & lunch will be hosted for all guests and do not require an RSVP. Guests staying offsite in hotels will be in charge of their own meals other than the welcome party, wedding and recovery day.
  • What if I am just attending the wedding?
    No problem! Please just let us know with your RSVP that you will be attending the wedding only on May 22nd. Please note, should you wish to stay in either of the Chateau's, we cannot accommodate for one night only. Accommodations are available in Beaune or Dijon and will require you plan for your travel to and from your hotel. The Chateau is in the countryside away from town and other accommodations.
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